Skruf Snus


Skruf Snus is a popular brand within snus, which is a type of smokeless tobacco product. Skruf is known for offering a wide selection of snus products with different flavours, strengths and portion sizes. Skruf Snus is made from carefully selected tobacco leaves and contains a balanced mixture of tobacco, water, salt and often also flavorings. The products come in different types of servings, including regular servings, slime servings and white servings. Snuff is intended to be placed under the upper lip, and it provides a steady release of nicotine and flavor over time. It is a popular alternative to cigarettes for those who want to enjoy tobacco in a more discreet way without smoking. Skruf Snus is available in various flavours, such as mint, bergamot, berry and more. In addition, the products come in different strengths, so users can choose the one that best suits their preferences and nicotine needs.